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Our Mission

Takoma Metaphysical Chapel is a non-judgmental place of love where all people can feel safe exploring their spirituality. We support the spiritual growth and development of all people and respect all religious and spiritual traditions. We provide ministry and education for our members, friends, and the community through our example and our services, based on spiritual principles.


In addition to our core mission statement above, we are an inclusive community.  Please click here for our statement of inclusivity. 

Meet the Board of Directors, Trustees & Staff 


Dr. Godfrey Woelk

Vice President

Dr. Godfrey Woelk serves as President of the Board with previous experience as Treasurer and Worship Leader Coordinator.He also has been involved with the All-Message Services every first Sunday at TMC. Dr. Woelk shares more than 15 years of experience in international public health.

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Femi Ajiwe


A member for over 20 years, Femi (Alfred) Ajiwe has been instrumental in guiding our construction process through the County Permitting System. 

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Doris Brugnoli


A member of TMC intermittently since the 1990's Doris is one of the newest members of the Board of Directors. 

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Tierney Smith


Tierney Smith serves as the treasurer, and an administrator on the morning ACIM Call.


Michael Tyson

Musical Director

Michael Tyson has served as our Music Director for over 20 years.

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Donald Malnati


A member of the Chapel since 2018, Don currently serves as Board Trustee and uses his vast experience to also serve on the Building Committee. He is president and founder of an award-winning residential general contracting construction firm specializing in historic restoration projects. 


Wanda Flowers


Wanda Flowers returns to the board to support and represent the interests and viewpoints of our Members living in other states.  In addition to her prior board service, she serves as the Worship Leader Coordinator and on the Educational Committee.


Peggy Kissell

Office Manager

Peggy has been a member of TMC since 2003.  Presently she is the Office Manager. 
In the past, she has served in most of the
Board positions.

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Don Luckett


Don currently serves as Healing Coordinator, Chapel Healer and manages our All Message / Healing Fairs.

Takoma Metaphysical Chapel

All activities are virtual, our mailing address is: 


1901 Powder Mill Road

Silver Spring, MD 20903


Check the TMC Meet-up site for changes or updates.

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©2021-2022 Takoma Metaphysical Chapel

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